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Master Classes


These sessions are custom-designed to follow-up on the basic workshops, The Language, Principles and Variations of Good Donation Conversations and Phone Requests for Eye and Tissue Donation: What to Say, What to Avoid. Each session is usually a day long, and is based on our clients' data on where donations are being lost and on what are known to be the particularly difficult parts of donation conversations that require analysis and practice.


The workshop should initially be offered 8 to 9 months after either of the basic courses and subsequently offered annually. You will need to provide data for customization. That needs to be in spreadsheet form and includes things like: case #, hospital, age, sex, BD or DBD?, registered?, race, COD, requestor, response for organs, response for tissues, outcome, denial reasons, NOK relationship.


As this workshop is customized to your data, its cost will vary depending on how many days you book. For details, you can contact me at vwvmargaretverble@gmail.com.