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Phone Requests for Eye and Tissue Donation: What to Say, what to Avoid

This 2-day phone donation workshop organizes the best practices of phone requests into 20 principles and provides specific instruction on how to operationalize those in conversations. For instance, Principle # 4 is Serve as a Source of Help/Information to Gain Credibility and Establish Rapport. This practice has been linked to high consent rates; however, in actual conversations it’s often skipped. Participants are taught what help and information to have ready, and specifically how to word this part of the conversation. All 20 principles are covered on the first day of the workshop and some are embedded with mini-role plays.

The second day of the workshop is entirely devoted to role-playing and to particulars of the conversation that can’t be taught entirely didactically. For instance, many role-plays provide practice on exactly what constitutes an empathetic response and exactly how to word those. (Principle #7: Explore Concerns, Empathize, Normalize – and then Answer.)


The workshop is limited to 12 participants. The objectives are:

1. Apply the 20 best-practice principles of the donation conversation;
2. Approach the phone call as a conversation, not a task;
3. Demonstrate skills in specific communication techniques that optimize donations;
4. Employ strategies to avoid bad practices in telephone requesting;
5. Complete at least two donation conversation role-plays – one as a coordinator and one as a family member – and participate in group debriefs.

The cost is $6,000 plus expenses for the two days. If you'd like to train more than 12 people, we can do an extra day of roleplaying. If you are a new client, we will ask for a 20% deposit when you book the workshop and will send you instructions for how to put it on. You can contact me at vwvmargaretverble@gmail.com.