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Verble M, Worth J, Gulli L, et. al. "A Study of Families of Potential Donation After Circulatory Death Donors and Recommendations for Raising Donation Rates." Transplantation Proceedings, 2020;52(10):2867-2876.


Verble M, Darcy K, Penta JG, Worth J. "Telephone Requests for Donation: The Concerns Expressed by Families and the Impact of the Donor Registry." Progress in Transplantation, 2013;23(1):92-98.


Verble M, Worth J. "Addressing the Unintended Adverse Consequences of First Person Consent and Donor Registries." Progress in Transplantation, 2012;22(1):25-32.


Griffith J, Verble MS, Falvey S, et al. "Culture Change Initiatives in the Procurement of Organs in the United Kingdom." Transplantation Proceedings, 2009;41(5):1459-1462.


Lerpiniere C, Verble MS. "Requesting Tissue Donation." Emergency Nurse, 2009;16(10):22-25.


Verble MS. "Partnering with Physicians to Increase Organ Donation Rates." Group Leaders' Guide and Participants' Guide, (Michigan Gift of Life OPO and Wayne State University School of Medicine,2004).


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Cultural Sensitivity in the Donation Conversation." Progress in Transplantation, 2003;13(1):33-37.


Verble MS, Bowen GR, Kay N, Mitoff J, Shafer TJ, Worth JK. "A Multiethnic Study of the Relationship between Fears and Concerns and Refusal Rates." Progress in Transplantation, 2002;12(3):185-190.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Overcoming Families' Fears and Concerns in the Donation Discussion." Progress in Transplantation, 2000;10(3):155-160.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Fears and Concerns Expressed by Families in the Donation Discussion." Progress in Transplantation, 2000;10(1):48-55.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Dealing with the Fear of Mutilation in the Donation Discussion." Journal of Transplant Coordination, 1999;9(1):54-56.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Adequate Consent: Its Content in the Donation Conversation." Journal of Transplant Coordination, 1998;8(2):99-104.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Procurement Professionals." Their Reservations and Preferences Regarding the Donation of Specific Organs and Tissues, 1997;7(3):111-115.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Biases for and against the Donation of Specific Organs and Tissues." Implications for the Donation Conversation and the Education of Hospital Personnel, 1997;7(2):72-77.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "The Case Against More Public Education to Promote Organ Donation." J. of Transplant Coordination, 1996;6(4):200-203.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Attitudes toward the Donation of Specific Anatomical Gifts." Implications for the Donation Conversation and Attrition Rates among Procurement Professionals, 1994; 4(3):139-145.


Verble MS, Worth JK. "Tissue Procurement." Family Counseling, 1993;694-699.


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